OIC-KAICIID Conference Issues Joint Statement on Interreligious Dialogue in South and South-East Asia

The Conference on Interreligious Dialogue in South and Southeast Asia organized by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) in Bangkok, Thailand, from 18 to 20 December 2017 issued the Bangkok Joint Statement that calls for boosting local, national and regional collaboration on interfaith coexistence.

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Interfaith Holiday Books for Kids

For inhabitants of the northern hemisphere, autumn features increasingly shorter days as we move inexorably toward the longest night of the year around December 21. Interestingly, many cultures and faith traditions have long-standing traditions and stories that lift up light during this time of relative darkness. For Neo-Pagans/Wiccans and other indigenous peoples, it’s Winter Solstice, for Jews, Hanukkah, for the ancient Romans, Saturnalia, for Christians, Christmas, and for African-Americans, Kwanzaa, just to name a few.

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Bishop Suriel Writes Inspiring Book on Educational Reformer Habib Girgis

More than ever, the world needs strong leaders, committed teachers and people filled with a life purpose. Such was the life embodied by a humble Coptic gentleman named Habib Girgis, who was born in Cairo in 1876 and lived in Egypt until 1951. There is much to be learnt from this man as highlighted in a new book by Leader of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Melbourne, Bishop Suriel.

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Ground-breaking Jewish/Christian/Muslim dialogue holds its 50th session

The Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims Jews (ANDCMJ) celebrated its 50th session by revisiting its history, discussing the concept of “light” in Christian, Jewish and Muslim liturgy and tradition, then lighting Chanukah candles and learning about the Jewish Festival of Lights, at Sydney’s Emanuel Synagogue.

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Buddhism: How You Can Support a Victim of Clergy Sexual Misconduct

Clergy sexual misconduct is defined as sexual advances or propositions made by religious leaders to a person in the congregations they serve (who are not their spouses or significant others). Misconduct includes such actions as minor as a proposition, up to and including sexual intercourse. Buddhist sanghas are as prone to this kind of misconduct as any other religious community.

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