End-of-life Essentials

End-of-life Essentials education is based on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s National Consensus Statement: Essential elements for safe and high-quality end-of-life care. The education is free to use, evidence based and has been peer reviewed by doctors, nurses and allied health professionals around Australia.

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31 Days of Prayer for Women’s Empowerment

In the month of March, the World Council of Churches is encouraging its fellowship and partners to join the Lott Carey “31 Days of Prayer for Women’s Empowerment,” which is also the 7th Anniversary Global Women’s Prayer Guide. The guide features 31 days of prayer that support justice and equality for women.

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Partnership Among All to Overcome Terrorism

Deeply troubled by and strongly condemning the terrorist suicide bombing that killed over 40 Indians in the Indian-administered part of Kashmir, concerned over escalating tensions between the Governments of Pakistan and India, heartened by good will gestures that tamp down escalating tensions, and noting that all countries and communities are vulnerable to terrorism, we hereby call upon all Governments, religious communities and men and women of goodwill to unite to reject all forms of violent extremism, especially violence undertaken in the name of God.

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Online Course on Interreligious Dialogue

KAICIID’s Dialogue Knowledge Hub (DKH) is pleased to offer the eight-week online course in interreligious dialogue for religious leaders, decision makers, Inter-religious dialogue practitioners and educators. Through a series of assignments, lectures and online forums, participants will learn the history of interreligious dialogue, methodologies, and tools for using dialogue to foster peace, mutual respect and social cohesion.

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Religions for Peace Announces 2019 Awardees of Innovative Youth Prize

Religions for Peace is pleased to announce the recipients for the 2019 RfP Innovative Youth Prize. Interfaith youth groups from Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Indonesia have been awarded prizes up to $5,000 USD to creatively engage young leaders and strengthen collaboration among their diverse religious traditions to overcome violent religious extremism, welcome refugees and migrants, and protect the earth.

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Interfaith Rainforest Initiative

Welcome to the global faith-based movement to protect rainforests

We are focused on rainforests because they represent the very best of the planet’s beauty, supporting life and providing billions of people with food, shelter, livelihoods, medicine and clean water. They are also among the best climate solutions we have.

Tragically, tropical deforestation is rampant. This destruction is unnecessary and it is deeply undermining efforts by the international community to address climate change, sustainable development and human rights. We see the deforestation crisis as a moral and ethical concern of the highest order.

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Valentines Day 2019: Thursdays in Black

Valentine’s Day, 14 February, falls on a Thursday this year, and is being connected to the Thursdays in Black campaign against rape and violence. Recognizing that Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love, the World Council of Churches states that for too many people, “love” comes with abuse and violence.

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