Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Islands: Opportunities for Faith-Engaged Approaches

Pacific Islands and Climate Change

The Pacific Islands face uncertain futures and are in need of adaptation solutions that are both effective and sustainable. A publication seeks faith based approaches to this adaptation.

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January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27 - Holocaust Remembrance Day

People of all faiths around the world mark January 27 as Holocaust Remembrance Day, an annual time to remember the murder of more than six million Jews and others in Nazi Death Camps during World War II.

“Never again! Never again… In front of this appalling tragedy, indifference is inadmissible, and remembrance is a duty.”

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Religions can be part of the solution for peace, not the problem, faith leaders say


VATICAN CITY (Religion News Service) — When John Lennon wrote his hit song “Imagine,” eliminating religions and the divisions they entail was in his view a necessary condition for “living life in peace.” A meeting of religious representatives in Rome this week made the case for shifting that paradigm.

The Abrahamic Faiths Initiative group united 25 religious leaders representing millions of Christian, Muslim and Jewish faithful to discuss practical ways of promoting peace and fraternity at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome Jan. 14-16.

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China: Interfaith Exchanges and Shared Future for Mankind

Friendship Hotel, Beijing

The the aspiration of all peoples is for a better future when the global community was facing unprecedented challenges. This seminar was designed to provide a platform of equal learning for the eleven nations represented. In building a community for a shared future, it was critical ‘not to talk past each other but to experience joint and fruitful sharing’. Mankind’s future depends on collaboration, harmony and shared understandings.

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Statement regarding Australian bushfires

John Shine AC The Australian Academy of Science has given a statement about the bushfires that have ravaged Australia in the last few months. There is need for clarity around the issues of climate change and drought, man-made changes to the planetary warming and how man has treated the environment. It is time for clarity and for respect to others in this sometimes voluble conversation in the community.

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‘A long time coming’: These Muslims are bringing sex abuse by sheikhs out of the shadows

Women in MosqueOver the past two to three years, scholars and advocates say, North American Muslims have risen up in an unprecedented movement to openly confront sexual and spiritual abuse perpetrated by Muslim religious leaders.

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SDG – Draft Global Biodiversity Framework Published

SDG - Draft Global Biodiversity Framework Published

The draft framework presents five long-term goals for 2050 related to the CBD’s 2050 Vision for Biodiversity, and each of these goals has an associated outcome for 2030. The draft framework also includes 20 action-oriented targets for 2030.

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Bushfires and the Australian Volunteer Emergency Chaplaincy Alliance

Once a farmA couple of days of light rain brought some relief to those resisting killer bushfires across southeastern Australia. Still, firefighters, residents and other responders were bracing themselves and preparing for more mayhem.

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