Driftwood the Musical

Driftwood the Musical Umbrella Foundation is delighted to present Driftwood The Musical , which tells the inspirational story of the renowned Austrian/Australian sculptor Karl Duldig and his artist-inventor wife, Slawa Horowitz-Duldig. We follow their lives in pre-war Vienna, the family’s narrow escape from Nazi Austria, Slawa’s ingenious invention of the foldable umbrella, and the incredible chain of events that took place after miraculously escaping the Holocaust and rebuilding their careers as artists in Melbourne.

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Police called to remove a multi-faith group praying in Sydney National Australia Bank lobby

Police called to remove a multi-faith group praying in Sydney NAB HQ lobby

Police were called to remove a group of people peacefully praying in the lobby of the National Australia Bank’s headquarters in Sydney on Wednesday morning.

People from Muslim, Christian and Buddhist faiths prayed and meditated for an hour calling on the bank stop funding fossil fuel projects, starting by ruling out any further funding of Whitehaven Coal’s climate-wrecking coal expansion plans.

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NSW: Zero tolerance regarding safety and security at religious institutions

Zero tolerance regarding safety and security at religious institutionsA re-elected NSW Liberal and Nationals Government will invest $10 million over four years to boost safety and security for faith communities.

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NSW: Buddhist Studies March Seminar

The Australasian Association for Buddhist Studies notifies that its next seminar will be a hybrid event, both Face-to-Face and Zoom on Thursday 9 March at 6:30pm (CAEST). The topic will be Buddhist theory of conditional genesis and social healing approach towards post conflict reconciliation.

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NSW: Climate Change Conversation – Climate Migration

How Will Climate Migration Reshape Our World

How Will Climate Migration Reshape Our World? Find out in a Climate Change Conversations at the University of NSW on Thursday 9 March, 6:30 pm at the Kensington Campus UNSW Roundhouse.

The UNSW Centre for Ideas, Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law and Adelaide Writers’ Week invite you to join in a conversation about climate change, its impacts on human displacement and solutions.

The UN Secretary-General has warned that the climate crisis is on track to prompt ‘a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale’.

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Sharing Activity Responding to Domestic Violence

RfPA Green Logo

On 25 November 2022 – in observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – Religions for Peace Australia invited faith communities to share strategies taken up for the prevention of violence against women. On this page, we share the work of Deacon Oliver Slewa, Program Manager, Domestic Violence, New South Wales Ecumenical Council.

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Domestic violence in the church – guiding survivors to healing and hope

Domestic and Family Violence
Justice for women is a gospel issue

“Take a stand for the survivor, challenge the abuser and contest dismissive attitudes, while always seeking the safety, sanity and dignity of the survivor with your words and behaviour.”

This quote is from Renew, an Australian Guide for Christian Women Survivors of Domestic Abuse, published by Anglicare, which aims to be a helpful resource for survivors and for those who walk alongside them.

“It’s a place that they can find helpful, practical information,” says Lynda Dunstan, Anglicare Family and Domestic Violence Adviser, who is the Australian Editor of Renew, an adaptation of Restored, UK’s handbook for Christian women survivors of domestic abuse.

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Buddhist friends launch Social Buddy

Buddhist friends launch Social BuddyA group of Buddhist friends including Daniel Troyak from Buddhist Counselling and Ada Lee from Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association have joined together to address loneliness and social isolation in our community. This is by no means an easy feat, but this enthusiastic and committed group believe they can make changes through cooperation and empowerment.

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