Australian Links

Jump to National Multifaith Organisations Interfaith Networks Faith Communities Kindred Organisations University Multifaith Activity Multicultural Organisations National Multifaith Organisations National Council of Churches in Australia Uniting Church of Australia – Relations with Other Faiths Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia Australian Council for Christians and Jews Executive Council of Australian Jewry … Read more


Membership of Religions for Peace Australia is open to all persons of faith and goodwill who are interested in and committed to global peace across the world and to social cohesion in Australia, especially between the faith traditions. There is an annual membership fee, currently at $40, set each year at the Annual General Meeting … Read more

Organisational Structure

Religions for Peace Australia has a Committee of Management, elected each year at its Annual General Meeting, held in April or May each year. For historical reasons, it is centred in Melbourne but there are representatives from associate branches in other capital cities. Currently these are in Sydney, Hobart and Brisbane. There are cognate interfaith … Read more


Religions for Peace (Australia), formerly known as the World Conference of Religions for Peace (Australia) is Australia’s largest community-based organization working for inter-religious harmony and social cohesion.

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Contact Us

Religions for Peace Australia, Australia’s community-based interfaith organization with the largest coverage, operates as an e-network and so has no office or phone number. Contact is by email to the secretary: Sue Ennis wcrpaust [at] Contact can also be made by hard copy to: Religions for Peace Australia, Box 1383, CARLTON, 3053 VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA … Read more


Welcome to the website of Religions for Peace Australia, formerly called the World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) Australia. WCRP was formed in 1970 and is now the world’s largest interfaith organization committed to fostering peace between religions and nations and to social cohesion within nations. WCRP Australia was founded several years later, and … Read more

Website Service Agreement

Service Agreement By using this web site and the material available through it, you agree to the following conditions: You agree not to infringe copyright or any other intellectual property rights in this site or the material it contains. Copyright in the material available at this site is owned by Religions for Peace Australia and … Read more

Internet Privacy Policy

Internet Privacy Policy Information Collected When you look at our website, our Internet Service Provider makes a record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes: your server address your top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, .uk, etc) the date and time of your visit to the site the … Read more