A public forum on Typhoon Haiyan: Climate Change and Human Rights public forum at the St. Albans Uniting Church, on Saturday, June 7, 2014.
A public forum on Typhoon Haiyan: Climate Change and Human Rights public forum at the St. Albans Uniting Church, on Saturday, June 7, 2014.
Greenfaith ARRCC proudly presents the launch of: Climate Action Kits ~ Resources for faith communities helping to turn concerns about climate into action.
There will be an Interfaith Dialogue Panel discussing sacred teachings about the Earth at Amberley (Vic) on 30 May 2014
As part of its work for the protection of climate refugees, the World Council of Churches (WCC) is joining an innovative campaign, ‘Postcards from the Frontlines’, aiming to achieve urgently needed recognition and protection for climate refugees around the world.