Efforts by Sri Lankan Senior Religious Leaders’ to advance reconciliation and peacebuilding have been applauded by the Prime Minister of Japan.
Inaugural Seminar – Women of Faith as Agents of Peace
Religion, Women and Peacebuilding – This seminar was the first in an open series designed to connect multiple stakeholders with women of faith engaged in concrete projects on the ground.
Bombing at Rida Mosque, Belgium
Statement of the Secretary General on the Arson Attack of the Rida Mosque and the Killing of Imam Abdallah Dadou
Multifaith Disability Inclusion
The Uniting Church Disability Inclusion, people interested in issues of disability inclusion within multifaith settings, has presented a report on disability in multifaith settings.
ABC TV Seeks Six Young People to Make a “Holy Switch”
ABC TV and Roar Film are inviting six young people aged 18-23 and their families to feature in a new experiential series for ABC TV’s COMPASS.
The Problem with Theologies of Inclusion
Theologies of inclusion tend to be feel good, ‘nice’ theologies and more importantly they promote social cohesion by providing a theological rationale for mutual respect, or at least tolerance of difference. However, there is more, writes Gary Bouma. What of an internal agenda of legitimisation?
Messages about Nigeria Bombings
Christians and Muslims are uniting in Nigeria to reject the violence advanced by the terrorist group, Boko Haram.
World Interfaith Harmony Week
World Interfaith Harmony Celebration, Australia, 2012 World Interfaith Harmony Week seeks to spread the message of harmony and tolerance among the followers of all the world’s religions, faiths and beliefs. It seeks to do this by promoting their common basis of “Love of God and Love of the Neighbor, or Love of the Good and … Read more
Does religious faith make people healthier and happier?
A recent VicHealth study showed that while religion can protect against illness, religious discrimination can harm health. This has led to a renewed call to embrace and respect religious diversity, protection of human rights and promotion of interfaith relations between religions.
Statement of the Moderator and the Secretary General on the Church Bombings in Nigeria
Religions for Peace condemns and deplores the terrorist attacks across Nigeria which killed scores of people, with the majority dying on the steps of a Catholic Church after celebrating Christmas Mass.
ACARA-REENA Roundtable
On the 16th November 2011, the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), in partnership with the Religion and Ethics Education Network Australia (REENA) convened a Roundtable on the ‘Place of Religion and Ethics in the National Curriculum’.
Restoring Dignity – A committment to end violence against Women
The world’s major faith traditions – each in its own way – uphold the inviolable dignity of the human being as rooted in the Sacred. While respecting religious differences, the Restoring Dignity draws on the commitment and resources of faith congregations, institutions, communities and individual believers to bring an end to violence against women and girls. Join us to end violence and restore dignity of women.