The European Council of Religious Leaders met recently in Sarajevo and have reflected on inclusive citizenship, and issued a statement on living together in diversity and harmony.
Instanbul Declaration on Tolerance
The European Council of Religious Leaders have delivered a declaration on Tolerance which gives a wide array of values and behaviours which show tolerance in action.
Restoring Dignity – a commitment to end violence against women
The European Council of Religious leaders recently issued a declaration on restoring the dignity of women and ending violence.
Exploring the Census: Are the No Religion group Atheists?
The 2011 Census data for Australia, showing changes in Australia’s population and diversity has been released. The Census revealed a large increase in the numbers of non-Christian religious adherents and also, in the number of those reporting “No Religion”.
Exploring the Census: Has Immigration Changed Religion?
How has immigration changed the religious landscape of Australia? What will the 2011 Census reveal about the religious observance in Australia?
Religion in the University Curriculum
Where would you expect to find religion as part of a university education? Andrew West of the ABC’s Religion and Ethics Report explored this question with speakers at the recent Religion in the University Conference.
Ten Promises for Children: A Multi-religious Commitment
Religions for Peace (RfP) and the Center for Interfaith Action (CIFA) today announced the launch of a global initiative to engage religious communities around the world in saving children’s lives through ten concrete and specific acts: Ten Promises to Our Children.
2012 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Religions for Peace Australia was held on Sunday, 3rd June, in Melbourne.
African Religious Leaders Meet
Nairobi, Kenya – Over 100 senior religious leaders from Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, and other religious communities convened in Nairobi, Kenya, 16-17 May 2012, to launch a child survival and maternal health pan-African initiative.
Sultana’s Dream – May 2012
The latest issue – May 2012 – of Sultana’s Dream is available for reading. The editorial takes up the issue of the role of muslims in Australian pioneer history.
Halal Certified Medicine
According to the Halal Certified Medicine website HCM was developed to support Australian Muslims “in their endeavours to consume Halal only products by identifying which of their everyday products such as medicines, sporting and vitamin supplements are suitable for Muslims to purchase.”
Opportunity to host asylum seekers
The Australian Human Rights Commission has been approached with a request to publicize an initiative of the Australian Homestay Network to provide short-term accommodation to asylum seekers who have been recently released from immigration detention.