Religion, Women and Peacebuilding Seminar Series Launched

Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook

The Religions for Peace Global Women of Faith Network, in collaboration with United Nations Women, Princeton University Office for Religious Life, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ford Foundation, The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission, The Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations and The Institute for Global Engagement, launched an ongoing seminar on “Religion, Women and Peacebuilding” on Tuesday December 6th 2011.

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Interfaith Forum on Violence against Women

Speakers at Family Violence, the missing interfaith dialogue

Religious leaders and family violence practioners from the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian traditions addressed faith responses to violence against women at a forum held at the Islamic Centre of Victoria, on the eve of International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women.

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SRI – Story Telling Seminar

The storyteller

All human stories are stories of Divinity. So many of the founders of the religions of mankind told great stories or parables, or enacted great deeds, the telling of which captures the mind, heart and spirit. Storytelling is a foundation of all religious eduction.

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World Day of Prayer and Action for Children

We Choose Peace

How we care for our most vulnerable – our children – is how we express our faith, hope and confidence in our future. World Day of Prayer and Action for Children calls for an end to violence against Children.

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7th ASEM Interfaith Dialogue on Migration concludes in Manila

Asia Europe Meeting Interfaith Dialogue Meeting in Manila

The Seventh Interfaith Dialogue of the Asia-Europe Meeting (also known as the “ASEM-IFD7”) was concluded today (14 October 2011) with the issuance of The Manila Statement on ASEM Interfaith Dialogue on Migration . Philippine Vice President Jejomar Binay was the Keynote Speaker for the event.

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A Different Point of View

A Different point of view

A community forum which will explore how different cultures, faiths and religions understand and address issues of mental health and wellbeing will be held at Swinburne University on Thursday, 27 October 2011

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