New data highlights leading causes of death in Australia

It may not be something we like to think about but new government data reveals what our leading causes of death are.

For people over 45 years it remains chronic disease, but suicide is the biggest killer of Australians aged between 15 and 44.

Lifeline says the stigma around suicide remains the biggest challenge for support services.

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Violent Extremism and the Value of Interfaith Dialogue

AS RECENT EVENTS in Australia and overseas attest, violent extremist acts persist as a chosen tool for radical groups to terrorise populations and recruit more adherents. This is despite a wide array of prevention, containment and rehabilitation strategies in place around the world. Brian Adams of Griffith University Centre for Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue writes about the toolbox of interfaith and intercultural dialogue.

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Interfaith Dialogue and the Social Dividend

Prof. Desmond Cahill, Chair, Religions for Peace Australia, has given an address to the G20 Interfaith Summit at the Gold Coast, held 16-18 November. The topic for Prof. Cahill’s address was Interfaith Dialogue and the Social Dividend. In his talk, Prof Cahill gave a description of interfaith activity:

Interfaith activity, firstly, means the different faith communities not just living harmoniously side-by-side (though this is a good beginning) but actively knowing about and respecting each other and each other’s beliefs in fair and honourable competition, not allowing the mistakes and tragedies of the distant and recent past to pervert the present.

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Religion and Multifaith Diversity: Evolution in a Globalizing World

In this paper presented to the Evolution Symposium of 2014, Prof. Des Cahill, Chair, Religions for Peace Australia, examines various creation narratives and beliefs of different religions and goes on the offence with regard to the thoughts of Richard Dawkins. Prof. Cahill also examines creationism and intelligent design and whether or not either of these might be taught in Australian schools, considering the legal and constitutional dimensions. With regard to the roles of state govenemnts and the duty of the Minister of Education to have oversight of what is taught in schools, there are some thoughtful issues raised by Professor Cahill.

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Religious Groups in Australia 1911-2011

Religious Groups in Australia 1911-2011

Relgions in Australia

The 2011 Australian Census has shown that over a one-hundred year period from 1911 – 2011. Australia, is, par excellence, a migration, multicultural and multifaith nation-state.

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Contact Us

Religions for Peace Australia, Australia’s community-based interfaith organization with the largest coverage, operates as an e-network and so has no office or phone number. Contact is by email to the secretary: Sue Ennis wcrpaust [at] Contact can also be made by hard copy to: Religions for Peace Australia, Box 1383, CARLTON, 3053 VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA … Read more