May 2011

Religions for Peace Australia

14th May 2011

Dear RfP Members,

Greetings! I trust that this message of our 2010-11 activities finds you all well.

This past year has, as in previous years, been a very busy one for the Religions for Peace Australia (RfP Australia) with some significant achievements as the Australian interfaith movement has grown and diversified since the 2009 Melbourne Parliament of the World’s Religions. A pleasing feature has been the re-invigoration of our executive committee with some younger, talented and committed members – Dr. Anna Halafoff has become our deputy chairperson, recently completing her Ph.D. thesis on the world interfaith movement, Netpeace: Multifaith Movements and Common Security while our new secretary, Sue Ennis, who has almost completed her doctoral thesis on Religion, Spirituality and the Refugee Experience, has become our hardworking secretary.

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April, 2010

Religions for Peace Australia

28th April, 2010

Dear RfP Members,

Greetings again! The Parliament of the World’s Religions is over! Four years of hard work by many, many people in Melbourne, in Chicago and across the world have been completed. It is fair to say that everyone who attended, even if for only a day, came away enthused, inspired and informed. It is also fair to say that the end of the Parliament left many people tired – it took a lot out of most people, including myself. Only now are we really beginning to focus on the future.

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April 2009

Religions for Peace Australia

26th April, 2009

Dear Member of Religions for Peace Australia,

Greetings again! And it is again time for the Annual General Meeting, and details are enclosed. You have been all receiving news on our email network, especially from WCRP or Religions for Peace International with its headquarters in New York because of its work with the UN. This will have kept you informed of developments internationally.

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Worldwide Links

Religions for Peace   Religions for Peace is the largest international coalition of representatives from the world’s great religions dedicated to promoting peace. Respecting religious differences while celebrating our common humanity, Religions for Peace is active on every continent and in some of the most troubled areas of the world, creating multi-religious partnerships to confront … Read more

April 2008

Religions for Peace Australia

30th April, 2008

Dear Members,

Greetings! Since my last communication with you, we have very much become an electronic network. I hope that you are getting all the emails that our hard-working secretary, Jo Elvins, has been forwarding to you, particularly those from our New York headquarters. They reflect the scope of WCRP’s work and the various statements made by religious leaders in response to global and local issues. If you are not receiving these emails, please let Jo know.

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Religions for Peace Australia: Disclaimer This site is authored by the Religions for Peace Australia. The material on this website is made available as a guide only, and not for the purpose of providing professional advice. Before relying on the material, users should independently verify its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for their purposes, and … Read more

Privacy Policy

Religions for Peace Australia: Privacy Policy Religions for Peace Australia deems an individual’s right to keep their personal information private very important. The Religions for Peace Australia Website is committed to protecting and maintaining the privacy, accuracy and security of your personal information. Collection of information We will only collect information that is relevant to … Read more

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Religions for Peace Australia: Terms and conditions for use of and Users of the site will agree to not use available personal information of other users for the purpose of direct marketing or commercial solicitation. This section refers to content that users write, post or otherwise enter into the site The Religions for … Read more


Newsletters April 2008 April 2009 April 2010 May 2011 June 2012 June 2013 May, 2014

Australian Links

Jump to National Multifaith Organisations Interfaith Networks Faith Communities Kindred Organisations University Multifaith Activity Multicultural Organisations National Multifaith Organisations National Council of Churches in Australia Brahma Kumaris Australia Uniting Church of Australia – Relations with Other Faiths Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia Australian Council for Christians and Jews Executive … Read more