“Ambassadors of Hope: Together Against Human Trafficking” is the theme chosen for the 11th edition of the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, which is celebrated every year on February 8. There will be an online Marathon of Prayer (Friday, February 7 from 11:30 am to 4 pm) CET – people are invited to join in this prayer, especially in their own Region.
Recently, the Vatican issued the Declaration, “Dignitas Infinita” ii(infinite dignity), which speaks on the “grave violations of human dignity”iii, such as human trafficking.
The Declaration dwells on “human trafficking”, which is taking on “tragic dimensions” and is described as a “vile activity, a disgrace to our societies that claim to be civilised”. Similarly, it calls for the fight against phenomena such as “the marketing of human organs and tissues, the sexual exploitation of boys and girls, slave labour, including prostitution, the drug and weapons trade, terrorism, and international organised crime”. Furthermore, it speaks of the repercussions of this crime against humanity.
“Trafficking profoundly disfigures the humanity of the victim, offending his or her freedom and dignity”.
Currently, it is estimated that 50 million people are living in modern slavery around the world.
Among those most affected are the women and children who are trafficked and enslaved. We are therefore called to action as the dignity and human fraternity we all uphold is at great risk and as the conflicts, climate change and other mitigating factors intensity, we are reminded of the growing danger of becoming indifferent, blind and/or used to these realities which should not exist.
According to United Nations data, an estimated 50 million people were victims of modern slavery worldwide. The most affected groups are women, children, migrants, and refugees; one in three victims is a child, while 79% of those trafficked for sexual exploitation are women and girls. Forced migration affects about 120 million people globally. Wars, conflicts, violence, poverty, and environmental disasters force them to leave their homes, making them particularly vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation as they take dangerous migration routes, often relying on traffickers or the black market for transit. Another trending form of trafficking is the online exploitation.
Pope Francis’ Statement
Dear brothers and sisters,
today, 8 February, is the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese nun, who as a child had the traumatic experience of being a victim of human trafficking. The Unions of Superiors and Superiors General of Religious Institutes have organized the Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. I encourage those who work helping the men, women and children who are enslaved, exploited, abused as instruments of work or pleasure, who are often tortured and mutilated. It is my hope that government leaders may work decisively to remove the causes of this disgraceful scourge, it is a scourge unworthy of society. May each one of us feel committed to being a voice for our brothers and sisters, who have been humiliated in their dignity.
We invite church leaders of other spiritual traditions and all people of goodwill, government leaders, and other organisations who share the same value to join us to dedicate prayer and action to promoting human dignity, eliminating human trafficking in all its forms, and promoting world peace. We journey together – survivors’ advocates, migrants and refugees, young and old as catalysts for raising awareness against human trafficking and creating paradigm shifts- transformative action for a world without human trafficking and exploitation.
Let us be an ambassador of HOPE for those dejected!
Let us LISTEN from the survivors’ advocates to RAISE their voices!
Let us ACT for justice for the “Saint Bakhita” of today, for their liberty and freedom.
Let us ACCOMPANY vulnerable migrants and refugees in their JOURNEY for their safety to dream of a better life!
Let us DREAM with children and young people for a world without human trafficking,
Let us ACT together to build a world without human trafficking!
Let us renew our commitment to promote the DIGNITY of every person as a response to Christ’s words:
“I have come that they may have life, life in its fullness” (John 10:10)
“I encourage those who work helping the men, women, and children who are enslaved, exploited, abused as instruments of work or pleasure, who are often tortured and mutilated. It is my hope that government leaders may work decisively to remove the causes of this disgraceful scourge, it is a scourge unworthy of society. May each one of us feel committed to being a voice for our brothers and sisters, who have been humiliated in their dignity.”xiii – Pope Francis
Visit the ACRATH website to find out how to take action.
Organize a time of prayer and reflection in your parish, community, or group. The text of the Vigil of Prayer for February 8th, 2025 is online in different languages: download it and share it with your community.