Human prosperity depends as much on social, moral, and relational factors as on technological, material, and financial ones, says the Bahá’í International Community (BIC) in a statement released ahead of the upcoming 63rd session of the Commission for Social Development, which will be held in February at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.
“At the heart of addressing these challenges is the recognition of humanity’s shared identity and essential oneness,” says Cecilia Schirmeister, a representative of the Bahá’í International Community’s New York Office.
Drawing on experiences of Bahá’í communities worldwide, the statement explores how qualities such as trustworthiness, honesty, generosity, and cooperation serve as building blocks for creating more cohesive and prosperous communities.
“The statement highlights that meaningful social development is ultimately impossible without cultivating spiritual qualities that strengthen the social fabric and without developing a sense of responsibility for the collective well-being,” says Ms. Schirmeister.
She adds: “When we look at places where Bahá’í community-building activities have taken root, we see how these qualities are contributing to establishing constructive patterns of individual and collective life that support both material and spiritual progress.”
Ms. Schirmeister explains that, over time, new patterns of interaction emerge, including greater collaboration between youth and older generations, more pronounced expressions of gender equality, and an enhanced ability for constructive dialogue and consultation. All this strengthens bonds of unity and builds trust and confidence among diverse groups of people.
The statement draws attention to experiences that demonstrate how communities can, through their own efforts, become more cohesive and inclusive.
“What we are learning,” explains Ms. Schirmeister, “is that when spiritual principles permeate social interactions, communities not only become more integrated but also develop greater capacity to advance their own social and economic development aims and attain higher levels of prosperity.”
The statement, which can be viewed here, is part of the Bahá’í International Community’s ongoing contribution to the discourse on social development and the advancement of human prosperity in its fullest sense.