NSW: Hindu Temple razed in bushfires

Sri Om Temple in flamesSydney has a large Hindu population and there are about 30 Hindu temples, spiritual centres and senior citizen service centres to cater for their religious, spiritual and social needs. Sri Om community in Sydney had purchased land and installed their deities with regular worship by the community.

Recent bush fires in Australia have burned down about 2,000 homes and millions of hectares of bush land. A Hindu temple is one of these buildings that has been completely burned down. The small town of Clarence where this temple is situated has been mostly destroyed.


Sri Om temple Brindaban
Sri Om temple Brindaban and Seniors center, where regular services were held before bush fires razed it to the ground

On Saturday, 21st December 2019, the Sri Om community were provided the tragic news that one of their activity centre, 184 Kerma Crescent, Clarence (near Lithgow), the main premise had been completely destroyed in the Mt. Gospers monster fire that has currently burned through over 500,000 Hectares of land. Fortunately, none of the members or the public were in the vicinity of the fires during the course of the tragic events.


Sri Om Temple after the fire
The gutted building of Sri Om centre. Raining embers picked by furious winds gutted the building in no time.

With limited insurance on the property, the community seeks support to bring it back up to serve the needy.

The premise had actively been used by Sri Om Foundation and its sister organisation, Sri Om Adi Sakthi Ashram, over the last 3 years. Various programs and services were on offer at the centre including

  • annadhanam (serving of food to the community, especially those less fortunate);
  • spiritual retreat, yoga and meditation
  • care for the elderly, including education, development, and recreational activities
  • care for local wildlife
  • provide shelter, food and education to communities in need.


Sri Om Temple in flames
Sri Om center, engulfed in flames

Future plans for the centre had been also discussed with various community groups, local, state and federal government to better equip the premise with facilities for our people. This new is obviously a big set back to the organisation, however, we believe we can rebuild with the help from our community.

Donations to rebuild the premises can be made securely at: https://bit.ly/sriom-bushfire-appeal

(All donations over $2 are tax deductible)

or EFT (electronic finds transfer) made to Sri Om Foundation, BSB: 124 001, Account Number: 21817712