Quakers Australia: Climate Emergency & Species Extinction – Part 2

Quakers Australia At the Yearly Meeting in Hobart, 2019, Australian Quakers resolved to spiritually respond to the Climate Emergency and Spiritual Extinction. The meeting resolved, inter-alia, We are called to consider the world as an en-Spirited whole, to accept no boundary to repairing and sustaining the Earth for the future, and to appreciate more deeply the creative energy in all living things and life processes. We seek to mend what has been hurt, and to strengthen our courage to discern and bear witness to this spiritual care for the Earth.

Strengthening our Courage to Discern and Bear Witness

Avon Valley

Our 2008 Australia Yearly Meeting Quaker Earthcare Statement points us towards a better relationship with creation. Friends’ Testimonies, and our work with silence, stillness and spiritual discernment encourages us to celebrate:

  • Wonder and appreciation for life on Earth;
  • Stewardship, that fosters development based on environmental capacity and human need;
  • Peace and social justice, including right relationship with Indigenous people;
  • Restorative practices that build trust one-to-one, socially, and between nations
  • Creativity, ingenuity, and love in our work;
  • Informed, inclusive decision making;

Australia Yearly Meeting adopted its Earthcare Statement in 2008. We found “delight in the grace of creation” and warned “we have ignored our interconnectedness with other living things.” As a Society we promised we would “seek to transform this culture of domination and exploitation … and develop a culture of caring for the planet.” We knew then that it would be required of us to “commit to the demanding, costly implications of radically changed ways of living.”

Friends are aware of the pressing issue of climate action and accept that concern for the environment needs to underpin all of our decisions and actions both individually and corporate. It is true many Friends support organisations which publicise and promote environmental change. Many Friends also have made dramatic adjustments to their lifestyle as a personal response. But it does not seem to be enough.

Others show the way. In the face of insufficient corporate action and political neglect, we see a multitude of communities around the world declaring a state of climate emergency. Young people in particular are demanding authentic action from decision makers as well as their elders: challenging the overly-accommodating policies towards corporations. Their school strikes for climate, along with nonviolent groups such as the Extinction Rebellion, remind us of the immediacy of the crisis. They reject half-hearted gestures, unfulfilled promises and wilful neglect. They refresh the world with their calls for greater integrity, simplicity, community representation, and equality of all beings.

Australian native plantsWe thank the young and not-so-young campaigners for their inspiring leadership. They deserve our respect, and loving, practical support for their concerns. We also draw to the Light the polluters and despoilers. All need the care of the Spirit.


Quakers Australia

Part 1 – Quaker Earthcare Epistle on Climate Emergency & Species Extinction; Yearly Meeting 2019, Hobart Tasmania