Tasmania: September 2019

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Greetings of peace and welcome to spring, season of new beginnings! Our event will be held on SundaySeptember 22, 3 – 5 pm, at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay.  Please note the change of date and venue from our original advertising.

Kris Schaffer will welcome us to Country, Councillor Mike Dutta from the City of Hobart Council, originally from Fiji, will share with us the effect Climate Change is having on our Pacific Island neighbours to inspire us in our reflections and Tim Devereux will bring the music of the earth into the gathering via his magical didjeridoo.

Greetings of peace and welcome to spring, season of new beginnings!
September is the month for celebrating the UN international Day of Peace, officially 21 September. The High Holy Days of Judaism, beginning with Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, start and often finish with Yom Kippur, in September or September/October. September has been declared the Season of Creation by Christians around the world as they unite in prayer and action to raise awareness about environment protection, until Oct. 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron of the environment.

This year the UN has given the theme of ‘Climate Action for Peace’ for the International Day of Peace and we have chosen to work in conjunction with the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change with a very special session of Living the Change: faithful choices for a flourishing world, helping us to understand clearly the simple choices in our practical lives that we can make to live our values and support the Earth. https://www.arrcc.org.au/living_the_change and https://livingthechange.net/   

Our event will be held on Sunday September 22, 3 – 5 pm, at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay.  Please note the change of date and venue from our original advertising. Download the amended flyer for this event.

Kris Schaffer will welcome us to Country, Councillor Mike Dutta from the City of Hobart Council, originally from Fiji, will share with us the effect Climate Change is having on our Pacific Island neighbours to inspire us in our reflections and Tim Devereux will bring the music of the earth into the gathering via his magical didjeridoo.

As part of the event, we invite you to bring a vegetarian plate to share. 

People of faith comprise 84% of the world’s population and if we all lived as simply as our traditions advise us, the concern for earth’s future and our own, would be much diminished.

Climate heating is a threat multiplier for all those factors which tip societies towards conflict. So many factors are outside our control, but one thing that we can control is the lifestyle choices we make daily. These are important. As ANU’s Prof Mark Howden says in summarising the 2018 IPCC Special Report, “Each half a degree matters; each year matters; each choice matters.”

Could you pass the flier to people in your communities who may be interested in attending? Enquiries/RSVP to Terry by Saturday 21 September.
Thank you for your help and we hope to see you at the event!


Special Days in September

12 September    World Day of Prayer (The 2019 World Day of Prayer theme is “Infinite Presence, Unlimited Potential”)
22 September    International Day of Peace Observance
29 September    Navaratri    Hinduism
30 September to 1 October    Rosh Hashana    Judaism


News from Religions for Peace International:

Chair of Religions for Peace Australia, Emeritus Prof Des Cahill OAM, recently attended the Tenth World Assembly of Religions for Peace in Germany:




Australian Religious Response to Climate Change

Please accept as a personal invitation notice of the inaugural national conference of Australian Religious Response to Climate Change

WHEN: November 08, 2019 at 4pm – November 10, 2019

WHERE:  Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall St Barton, Canberra, ACT 2600



Tasmanian Muslim Association:

On behalf of Tasmanian Muslim Association, we are pleased to invite you to a Public Lecture Event at Launceston, which is scheduled to be held on Friday 6th September 2019 at 6.15 pm at Lecture Theatre 1, Room 150, A Block, Newnham campus, UTAS Launceston.

Professor Mohamad Abdalla, Founding Director of the Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE), University of South Australia, is the lecturer for this event. He is a prominent Muslim figure who played a leading role in establishing Islamic Studies as an academic area of study in Australian universities. Further information is below.

The lecture topic is “Islam in Australia: Challenges and Responsibilities”. The event is designed to be of a single lecture session followed by a Q/A-Discussion session.

We would be most honoured by your attendance.

Please find attached the pamphlet of the event and the biography of Professor Abdalla.

Respectfully Yours,
Kazi Sabbir,
Tasmania Muslim Association,
Islamic Centre Hobart,
166 Warwick St, West Hobart TAS 7000
M: 0421 413 327
E: kg_sabbir@yahoo.com.au

Professor Mohamad Abdalla is the Founding Director of the Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE) at the University of South Australia. Previously, he was the Founding Director of the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies and the Griffith Islamic Research Unit (GIRU) at Griffith University.  His authored and co-authored books include Islamic schooling in the West: Pathways to Renewal; Leadership in Islam: Processes and Solutions in Australian Organizations; Islamic Science: The myth of the decline theory; and Islam in the Australian News Media. Professor Abdalla is one of Australia’s most prominent and respected Muslim leaders, who held multiple distinguished community and academic posts, and received multiple civic awards, including the Ambassador of Peace Award, the Community Leadership Award, the Islamic Council of Queensland Community Service Award, and the Crescents of Brisbane Special Achievement Award.


Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre
Tuesday evening meditations for September and October: The Six Perfections.

Over September and October we will be looking at the Six Pāramitās (or Perfections). These are: 

Dāna pāramitā: generosity, giving of oneself Śīla pāramitā: virtue, morality, discipline, proper conduct Kṣānti pāramitā: patience, tolerance, forbearance, acceptance, endurance Vīrya pāramitā: energy, diligence, vigor, effort Dhyāna pāramitā: one-pointed concentration, contemplation Prajñā pāramitā: wisdom, insight
Just a quick glance at the headings above will show how beneficial it would be to increase each of these qualities in our lives. Pāra means beyond, and mita means to go or to arrive. So these transcendent excellent qualities assist us in going beyond what is habitual, and arriving on to the further shore.
A different leader will facilitate each evening, which will consist of meditation, discourse, and discussion/questions. We will start on the first evening with an introduction to the subject, and the last evening (last Tuesday in October) will be a recap. We hope to see as many of you as possible there!

About Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre

Meditation and Discussion 7.30-9 pm, every Tuesday. Entry by $5 suggested donation.

73 Liverpool St [Goulds building, down the laneway to the right of the building, in the door between the bamboo pots and up the stairs to the 2nd floor]

email info@hobartbuddhistmeditationcentre.com 
website www.hobartbuddhistmeditationcentre.com


Seed Garden: Growing respect with Bec Stevens and Kris Schaffer

(From Kris, Aboriginal Artist, Horticulturalist and Teacher:)
You are invited to the launch of the Seed Garden on Friday 13 September 10.30-11.30am at Salamanca Square at the end of Wooby’s Lane off Salamanca Place. Welcome to Country by Kris Schaffer

Presented by Salamanca Arts Centre (www.sac.org.au) and supported by the City of Hobart through a Dr Edward Hall Environment Grant.

RSVP by 5pm Wednesday 11 September to info@sac.org.au


Dances of Universal Peace

Dear Dancers,
Dances of Universal Peace with Mieke and Chando are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 339 Macquarie St, South Hobart in the Hawker Centre behind the All Saints Anglican Church and The Jesse Tree op shop, starting at 7.00pm.

Download a Flyer about Dances for Universal Peace

On with the Dance!


Tasmanian Peace Trust

The Tasmanian Peace Trust invites you to a Party for Peace!

Help us celebrate and raise funds for this extraordinary organisation, building peace for 34 years.

Cocktail Party, drinks, canapes and a silent auction to be held on Saturday 21 September 2019 from 6.30-8.30pm at The Church, 48 Federal St, North Hobart

Tickets at https://www.trybooking.com/BEWJY


Sacred Conversations

Sacred Conversations warmly invites you to join us at 2pm on the last Saturday of every month at the Multifaith Centre on the UTAS campus. Sacred Conversations is a time and place for people of different faiths and cultures to come together in an environment of deep respect, understanding, peace, and love! Join us for respectful dialogue, prayer, meditation, music, food, friendship, and more.

You are welcome to join us at our next meeting on Saturday 21st of September, a week earlier than normal

We have a guest presenter: Pastor Matt Garvin of the Citywide Baptist Church who will speak on the topic: “The Place of Jesus Christ in the Christian Worldview”

All enquiries are welcome: Julian McGarry 0401673016 or julianmcgarry@gmail.com    



“One Light” Interfaith/Spiritual Community presents
Topic: Spring, A Season of Renewal
When: Sunday Sept 29  10 – 11.30 am
Where: Girl Guides/Abbott Hall 88 Patterson St, Launceston (opposite Gorge End of Launceston College)

After a long hiatus, Spring heralds the renewal of our spiritually inclusive monthly gatherings. Led by Shari, an accredited Interfaith/Spiritual Leader, we invite you to join us as we celebrate and share in Spring’s abundant gifts and learnings, through insightful reflection and teachings, meditation, sharing and connection, multi-faith prayer, sacred music and community. Tea/coffee, friendship and conversation will conclude our time together.

Dhana – gold coin donations are welcomed to help cover facility hire/refreshments 

About Us – Our gatherings have at their heart, peace, unity and harmony among all. We offer a sacred centre in the heart of Launceston, to pause and explore, celebrate and honour, grow and learn from a deep and nourishing pool, drawn from the worlds wisdom traditions. These timeless teachings have guided and inspired humanity across the ages and remain equally relevant today. For, a core Truth runs through all such sacred expression and unites us all – Love. From this Source, we welcome those seekers and practitioners from all beliefs, backgrounds and cultures – religious, spiritual, other – who are ready to learn and willing to engage, in respectful, open, inclusive community, friendship and sacred practice.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.” Rumi


Uniting Church and the Climate Strike

NSW Uniting Church backs School Climate Strike:  https://www.facebook.com/100006275971641/posts/2410256062526903/?sfnsn=mo



Brahma Kumaris, Melbourne:

Stop Still for Peace website (includes a meditation commentary for each of the days in September leading up to UN International Day of Peace): www.stopstillforpeace.org.au


From Faith Communities’ Council of Victoria:


Buddhism and Buddhist Women in Australia: https://vimeo.com/337882373





In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521