End of Life Care: MyValues

MyValues is a set of specially constructed statements designed to help you identify, consider and communicate your wishes about the medical treatment you would want in the later stages of life.


As a result of serious illness, accident or simply as a result of decline at the end of life, you may reach a stage when you are incapable of making or communicating your choices concerning your health care and medical intervention.

In this situation your doctor and family will have to make decisions for you and they will look for clear guidance from you.

That’s where MyValues can help.

With MyValues you can create your own values profile. A profile that explains your values in relation to life, death and medical intervention.

Understanding and respecting your values will help your doctors and your family to make better choices about your medical treatment. With this information, they can feel reassured that they are respecting your wishes.

MyValues can help sort out and clarify some very emotive issues that can be difficult to discuss, even with your closest family members – all in a very simple and objective way.

MyValues helps you consider important questions and choices that may not have occurred to you.

Finally, MyValues analyses your responses to find consistent themes, creating a report of the values that are important to you. This report can then be shared with your family and doctors.

Read more about MyValues and register, here



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