G20 Interfaith: RELIGION, Sustainable Development, and the Refugee Crisis

Based on the successful precedents of events organised in conjunction with prior G20 Summits since 2014, the G20 Interfaith Summit Association will hold a conference in Berlin on June 15-17, 2017) and preliminary events so that it can contribute to the C20 process in place with the overall 2017 G20 process.


Based on the successful precedents of events organized in conjunction with prior G20 Summits since 2014, the G20 Interfaith Summit Association will hold a conference involving a broad array of universities, faith groups, academic experts and government officials as part of the lead up to this year’s G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. (Information about prior events is available at the Association’s website, www.g20interfaith.org. A list of collaborating institutions is provided below.) The plan is to structure the Association’s conference (to be held in Berlin on June 15-17, 2017) and preliminary events so that it can contribute to the C20 process in place with the overall 2017 G20 process. The aim is to draw on interfaith insight and experience to develop recommendations regarding issues relevant to the priorities that the German Chancellery has identified for this year’s summit.

The program will be held in the Berlin area from June 15-17, 2017. The program consists of an array of presentations drawing on leading expertise and global diversity. Based on increasing interest over the years, we are preparing for 200, and possibly as many as 300-400 participants and attendees in Germany. In the past, there have been only informal ties to the overall G20 process. Our hope this year is that this initiative could be incorporated into the formal process, most likely as part of C20 events, but also possibly as part of the T20 process as well. The aim is to provide a recognized, independent and strong internationally based contribution to the overall G20 process. As in past years, we anticipate organizing a small number of regional pre-summit meetings thatcan feed recommendations into the final event. We are happy to work closely and synergistically with other developing programs in the G20 process

Objective: The objective of the G20 Interfaith Summit is to facilitate peace and harmony between people of all religious and philosophical traditions while exploring ways to work together to strengthen human development understood in the broadest sense. This is important because religion plays a major role in global events today, but its role is complex and can easily be misunderstood or even overlooked as a factor on the global stage. By focusing on a series of concrete issues that are much in the public eye, we hope to suggest a variety of ways that religion can contribute to enhanced responses to crucial social challenges.

Download the G20 Interfaith Concept Paper (PDF, opens in new window)



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