Beauty and Wisdom in the Qur’an

Spirituality and Practice, an interfaith spirituality group, are offering an email course during the month of Ramadan with emails delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, starting on May 29 through June 23 illustrating themes in the Qur’an. Interfaith Amigo Imam Jamal Rahman will be leading the course.


The month of Ramadan begins this year on the evening of Friday, May 26 and ends the evening of June 25. One of the key practices of Islam is to fast during this month from the time just before sunrise until just after sunset. Because Ramadan also commemorates the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel, it is traditional for Muslims to read this holy book cover-to-cover during the month.

We at Spirituality & Practice believe that Ramadan is a good time for soul-searching and intensified spiritual practice … and not only for Muslims. People of other faiths and no faith may choose to read the Qur’an in solidarity with their Muslim brothers and sisters. To lead us through this special opportunity for renewal, we are honored to have with us Imam Jamal Rahman, one of the Interfaith Amigos and part of our Living Spiritual Teachers project.

This e-course presents timeless insights and practices gleaned from reflections on verses of the Qur’an revealing its wisdom and beauty. The Qur’an verses will be illuminated by the insights of Islamic sages like Rumi and Hafiz who spent a lifetime meditating on the inner meanings of the Qur’an, by sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, and by teaching stories.

Jamal will focus on twelve themes with accompanying verses, insights, and related practices in emails delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, starting on May 29 through June 23. The themes include:

  • transforming the ego from a commanding master into a personal assistant,
  • polishing the rust of the heart so that it becomes a mirror reflecting the Face of Allah,
  • expanding the mind so that we move from knowledge of the tongue to knowledge of the heart,
  • devoting ourselves to serving God’s creation by becoming a lamp, lifeboat, or ladder to others,
  • and inviting joy, laughter and playfulness into our lives so that these become the sound of our soul waking up
  • and more.

Special video teachings by Jamal will further illuminate the themes. During a teleconference (date to be announced), you will be able to dialogue with Jamal about practical spirituality in the Qur’an and to receive answers to our questions. A Practice Circle will give you the opportunity to share your responses to the texts and your experiences with the practices with others from around the world; Jamal will also participate there.

Join us this Ramadan to find fresh perspectives deepened understanding, and strong support for your life’s journey. Monday, May 29 – Friday, June 23 $59.95 Subscribe here



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