Inspiring Earth Ethics: Linking Values and Action

Australian Earth Laws Alliance invites you to join for a thought provoking two day conference in Brisbane, on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th November 2017 at the Griffith Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue. This conference will bring together people from a range of fields – including environmental education, ethics, environmental psychology, indigenous knowledge systems, the arts, deep ecology, science, business and law – to address a central question: how do we inspire and build Earth ethics in Australian society?



Climate change and the global ecological crisis are forcing human societies to face ever increasing environmental and psychological challenges. We need highly engaged communities if we are to address these challenges and begin to realise new and exciting alternatives to create a sustainable future in a climate changed world.

This conference explores a central question: how can we nurture Earth centred ethics and action in present and future generations? After decades of environmental education, are we seeing an increase in eco-literacy among Australian citizens, or do we need to create new pathways to inspire Earth ethics? What role can eco-spirituality, eco-psychology and the arts play in inspiring practical responses to care for the Earth? How can non-indigenous cultures learn from First Nations Peoples laws and culture? Join us for an important discussion about environmental education, eco-spirituality, Earth ethics and the role of the human spirit in building a brighter future.


This conference is brought to you by the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) in partnership with the Griffith Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue Centre, WiseEarth Education and Earthlink.

Key Dates:

PROGRAM will be available soon.
CONFERENCE FLYERplease click here.
CALL FOR PROPOSALS – DUE 30 JUNE 2017 – please click here for the submission template and all background information
JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST – and receive conference updates. Email:
FACEBOOK event page – please click here
DOWNLOAD A FLYER click here (and Call for Proposals guide)


Australian Earth Laws Alliance
Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue, Griffith University