Tasmania – May 2020

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Greetings of peace, health and wellbeing as we begin to emerge from lockdown!

This is such an important time for those of us who follow a faith tradition and those of good will to emerge the qualities and values our traditions teach us: peace, serenity, lovingkindness and compassion, to help to support not only our own individual communities, but mainstream communities locally and globally. We also celebrate the creativity and pastoral care taken by faith communities in this time of withdrawal to provide spiritual sustenance in unique and creative ways. Many of us have found benefit in the time of quietness we have been through, as well as the new ways we have found to keep connection.

Greetings of peace, health and wellbeing as we begin to emerge from lockdown!

Holy Days in May 2020

Date Event Faith/religion
17 May Symphony of Peace Prayers Byakko Shinko Kai
19 May Lailat al Qadr Islam
23 May Declaration of the Bab Baha’i
24 May  Eid ul Fitr Islam
28 May Ascension of Baha’ullah Baha’i
29 May Shavuot  Judaism
31 May Pentecost Christianity

Symphony of Peace Prayers

The Symphony of Peace Prayers, the global Interfaith event normally held at Mount Fuji, Japan, with the local venue at Windsong at Swansea, will be online today, 17 May 2020 from 12noon-1.30pm local time.  Find the livestream broadcast on YouTube at:

Join SOPP 2020 online, May 17!

Brahma Kumaris:

World Meditation Hour is a special time for joining millions of people around the world in sending a wave of the vibrations of peace, love and power into the atmosphere.  Please feel welcome to join us on Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83097593272  

On Tuesday 19 May 2020, the meditation class will continue our series of discussions on Accessing our Inner Treasures.  The title is Refining our Inner Treasures: Determination and the Power to Discern. The times are 10.00-11.00am and 7.30-8.30pm and the Zoom link is the same for both:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83139864258  

If you know of anyone suffering distress or anxiety during the lockdown, we recommend the simple meditations at: https://brahmakumaris.org.au/sanctuary-experience/The Sanctuary Experience has been created to support people who are facing emergency situations and is very calming and uplifting in this present time.  When we remain peaceful, we spread peace in the atmosphere.

If you have any queries, could you ring Alice at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, Hobart on 6278 3788 or email hobart@au.brahmakumaris.org

Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre

Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre May program via Zoom
During May, Guy Turnbull will be leading an exploration and discussion on the Uttaratantra Shastra. This teaching talks about the ground of enlightenment and clarifies the nature and qualities of Buddhahood.

Zoom Meeting Time: Tuesday evenings in May, 7.30pm-9 pm Zoom Meeting ID: 937 472 284
Or, you can use this direct link

More information about our current online program.

Website www.hobartbuddhistmeditationcentre.com

Dances of Universal Peace

As you may know Anahata has stayed in Australia after leading our wonderful retreat in March, as she cannot get home to America due to the lockdowns.

She will be hosting a Zoom event Friday 22 May.

May the way be open for you to be part of these precious offerings.

Please contact Nicola if you have enquiries: peacedancestas@gmail.com

From Uniting Church

The Progressive Christian Network of Victoria) is offering Members and friends of Uniting Church Vic/Tas to an online meeting.

WHEN: Sunday May 24  from  4:00pm – 5:15pm

We are very fortunate to have author, scientist and theologian, Dr Val Webb, as our speaker.  

Dr Val Webb’s Topic: Florence Nightingale: The Making of a Radical Theologian

Val’s book, by the same title, is widely regarded as the definitive biography of this remarkable and complex nineteenth century ground-breaking woman.

May 12 2020 was the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.  2020 is also WHO’s International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, in acknowledgement of Florence’s contribution to humanity.  

WHERE: Join our PCNV Zoom Meeting, by clicking on this link below, just before 4:00pm on May 24  (If you don’t have Zoom on your computer, please download first)
Zoom Link 
Meeting ID: 820 8431 7994
Password: 293015

Sacred Conversations

Sacred Conversations warmly invites you to join us at 2pm on the last Saturday of every month for an online Zoom session.
We will not be meeting at the Multifaith Centre at UTAS for the foreseeable future or at least until the coronavirus pandemic has passed.  Sacred Conversations is an opportunity for people of different faiths and cultures to come together in a spirit of deep respect, understanding, peace, and love!

Please join us for respectful dialogue, prayer, meditation, music, friendship, and more.

Our special guest on Saturday 30th May will be Terry Sussmilch from the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, who will share thoughts around the topic of Exploring the Call of the Time.

I hope you are able to join us!

All enquiries are welcome: If you would like to receive a Zoom invitation, please contact Julian McGarry 0401673016 or julianmcgarry@gmail.com

Hindu Society of Tasmania

In line with the Federal Government Directives, the University is now closing the Multifaith Centre on campus until further notice. As such, there will be no face-toface meetings (satsangs) until further notice. However, I will continue the monthly classes on the Vivekacudamani of Shankaracharyaji on WhatsApp to keep the momentum going. This will comprise of notes and voice recordings posted on ‘VC Cafe’ on the scheduled monthly Mondays. This can be followed by chats/discussions via WhatsApp on the verses as covered. Enquiries to Sree on 0413 936 936.

St David’s Anglican Cathedral

For online services at St David’s Anglican Cathedral:  http://saintdavids.org.au/event/2020/04/st-davids-or-icathedral/

For online Mass for the sixth Sunday of Easter at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wxECLSIEZo

Meditations for Health Professionals

Meditations for health professionals:

The Kabbalah:

Free online Kabbalah Course:

International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. Here we bring you multifaith prayers for nurses from the World’s Religions, along with the Nightingale Prayer, the flame of Florence Nightingale’s legacy. Read the Interfaith Prayers for Nurses.

Post Covid-19 World:

From the United Nations Environment Program
Faith-based organizations can help the transition to a more sustainable post-COVID-19 world

From Greenfaith International:

Spiritual Resources for Care and Resilience in the Time of COVID-19

Creating Circles:  Communities of Care and Resilience:

Read Communities of Care and Resilience

From Zenit;

From Zenit: Minority Communities are suffering more in the pandemic:

English Bishop Asks Government to Tackle Disproportionate COVID-19 Impact

Catholic communities are supporting the poorest people in Pakistan during the pandemic:

Catholic Help the Poorest in Pakistan During Pandemic

Christians and Muslims unite in prayer on 14 May:

Christians and Muslims to Unite in Prayer on May 14, 2020

Polish Catholics mark the 75th anniversary of the the liberation of Dachau concentration camp, where a third of the country’s priests died:

Polish Faithful Mark 75th Anniversary of Dachau Concentration Camp Liberation

Irish Church leaders mark the 75th anniversary of VE day:

Statement from Irish Church Leaders to Mark 75th anniversary of VE Day



In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521